Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chocolate... brownie.... cookie.... yum :)

Not sure what these are..... but they are delicious :)

They are called "Mint Capped Brownie Cookie Cups"
But they are a mix between cookies, muffins, and brownies... and chocolate :) This may be because I added a little too much flour (about a 1/4 cup) But, who knows... all I know is that they taste good :) I may warm some up and put ice cream over it as a tasty treat.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What a way to start the new year

The title of this post is inspired by one of my favorite bands.
"The New Year" - Parachute
It might not be the most optimistic song, but the one line that says "what a way to start the new year" stuck with me.

Some of you may be wondering why I named my blog, "Jeannine's Garden"? I can't tell you everything just yet, but one of the reasons why I named it that is because I love food, and food comes from gardens. :) Other reasons will show up in later posts, I'm sure.
Speaking of my garden (a conjumblation of ideas)......... here are some things that I love. I love music. I love change because it promotes growth. I love finishing projects. And I love finding new ways to be healthier. New beginnings. Renewed hope. I've found that the best place to find new year's resolutions comes from, general conference talks, and mormon messages on youtube.

Here are some links to some of the ones I looked at recently:

The Best is Yet to Come-

I also found some healthy motivation from the following links and I would love to share them because they are so helpful! Want a new way to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Make them your snacks. Here's how:

For more tips, check out links on the left side of my blog, and explore your heart out.

Also... one more thing. I heard a quote from my foodservice systems class today, and it very helpful.
"Nobody expects me to be perfect, therefore, I don't need to be perfect." --- So don't stress out about it. Just be good enough :)

Happy New Year! :)