Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Good news!

I feel so blessed this summer. First off, I have great roommates and I am loving living at the apartment complex I am in right now. The ward is really fun and we have an activity almost every night--- which helps to develop friendships quickly.  This summer, I plan on gaining great experiences that I can put on my resume.  I have one thousand hours of experience and now I'm just doing more to develop my skills and it is going great so far.  I am reading some books that are applicable to my profession and I am volunteering as a Nutrition Coach on campus, and I even had two clients my first day! It is so incredible to actually do something that I might actually do as a career in the future.  Counseling people on nutrition and health is so fulfilling (it helps that I am passionate about nutrition and food).  I've always wanted to help people feel healthy, and now I have many of the skills to accomplish that.  I hope that I can help those who come to me with questions about health this summer, and in the future as well.

Besides my professional goals, I am working on developing my musical talents further than ever before.  I've had many years of piano lessons, but I still feel inadequate when I play the hymns in church.  This feeling of inadequacy urges me to practice those hymns--- and I think it's a great way to spend some time.  And... of course I'm still singing. I WILL sing until I die; music is so important to me.  I will be trying out for BYU Singers and Concert Choir in the Fall, and I want to keep my voice strong so I can have a shot at being one of the sopranos in a choir again.

I have two part time jobs right now, and I might get a third. If I get this one at the hospital, I will jump for joy.  I want to help people enjoy life, even though we all have problems, we can still enjoy what we've got. Especially since it's summertime, life is incredible. So I say, "soak in the rays, and get that Vitamin D!"

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